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15 November 2024 Cross-border data handling: navigating compliance and security in the UAE

In today's globalised world, businesses frequently leverage data storage, processing, and analytics capabilities from providers across borders. This shift has brought remarkable efficiencies but has also introduced new regulatory challenges. For UAE-based businesses, cross-border data transfers are subject to stringent regulations, designed to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive information.

Zijad Hanic, Counsel at SEAMLESS Legal, explores the essentials of cross-border data handling from a UAE perspective, including compliance with data protection laws, permitted exceptions, and best practices for businesses looking to harness the benefits of international data management.

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13 November 2024 Why the UAE is well-positioned for emerging blockchain and digital finance?

Binance Blockchain Week 2024 was held in Dubai, one of the largest Web3 centres and a blockchain hub in the world. The event buzzing with innovation and future-forward discussions brought together traders, builders, founders, institutional investors, regulators, global officials and innovators to explore and shape the future of blockchain and Web3 technology.

As the industry expands, it generates many questions. One of them is how to adapt laws and regulations to the welcome evolution.

Zijad Hanić, Counsel at SEAMLESS Legal UAE, has joined the event and shares some takeaways and insights from industry experts on the current state of the blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure in the UAE. He provides an overview of the legal landscape and the supportive role of the most influential; regulatory bodies such as FSRA, DFSA, VARA, and SCA in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

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15 October 2024 UAE VAT Executive Regulation: Significant amendments under Cabinet Decision No. 100 of 2024

The UAE’s VAT Executive Regulation has undergone substantial amendments through Cabinet Decision No. 100 of 2024, effective from 15 November 2024. These amendments introduce new rules, expand existing provisions, and clarify many aspects of VAT regulations, helping businesses align more effectively with the UAE’s dynamic tax environment. These changes cover multiple areas, including exports, financial services, tax groupings, and deemed supplies. We have prepared a description of the substantive amendments and a comparative table of the key amendments to the original provisions.

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8 October 2024 Overview, trends of M&A market in Russia

In 2023, the Russian M&A market showed a general decrease in both the number and average value of transactions, which generally correlates with the global M&A market. Key economic factors affecting the Russian M&A market are high inflation rates and currency fluctuations. In addition to the economic factors, it continues to be driven by the geopolitical agenda and suffers from a lack of inbound foreign investment. Nevertheless, the M&A market has been slowly recovering and as it is expected that in 2024, the number of M&A transactions will continue to grow.

To learn more about the Russian M&A market, its key trends, legal and regulatory issues as well as M&A outlook please read our article prepared for Asia Business Law Journal.

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1 October 2024 A comprehensive overview of VARA’s new regulatory framework

On October 1st, 2024, a new set of VARA regulations will officially replace the existing framework, marking a significant shift in how virtual assets and their operators are promoted and marketed in Dubai. We provide you with the comparative analysis of the key changes, highlighting the progression from the old to the new framework.

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24 September 2024 Procedural changes for obtaining dividend payment and loan repayment permit

9 September 2024 saw issue of Presidential Decree No. 767 amending the procedure for residents to obtain permit to fulfil their obligations to "unfriendly" foreign non-residents to pay dividends (profits) and repay loans (credits). Specifically, these amendments modify Presidential Decrees No. 95 of 5 March 2022 and No. 254of 4 May 2022.

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23 September 2024 Approaches to the transfer of powers of the general meeting of shareholders or participants have been improved

On August 8, 2024, amendments to the Federal Laws “On Joint Stock Companies” and “On Limited Liability Companies” came into force aimed at improving and increasing the efficiency of corporate governance and streamlining the management of the so-called “lost” shareholders.

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20 September 2024 A Comprehensive Analysis of the SCA’s Regulatory Framework for Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers

The UAE’s Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) has issued a detailed set of guidelines to regulate virtual assets and virtual asset service providers, perfecting the existing legislations. The regulatory framework represents a comprehensive approach to ensuring market stability, investor protection, the preservation of financial integrity, and managing the risks and opportunities presented by the rapidly evolving digital economy.

To learn more about the SCA’s Guidelines for Regulations of virtual assets and virtual asset service providers please read the comprehensive analyses prepared by Zijad Hanic, Counsel at SEAMLESS Legal in the UAE.

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